Ten things to think about..maybe a start for a short essay or blog entry -
1. LBJ and Lady Bird's Great Society vs. George and Laura Bush's What?
2. Who's running this country anyway? Letter in this week's "New Yorker" to the American People from Dave (CEO of Chevron) informing us that we are running out of cheap oil and need to do something.
3. The amazing ability to blow things totally out of proportion by using a combination of self-centered limited-perspective thinking and email/web. Recent suggestions by some well known webites that the solution to the Splog issue would be shut down Blogger. Everyday examples from Emailage in workspaces everywhere.
4. What's newsworthy?
Boring stuff - Conservation, banning SUV's in cities, raising the mandatory miles per gallon for new cars, global warming, the take over of government by corporations
Exciting stuff - the OJ Trial, Bill Clinton's peccadillos, the girl lost on Aruba, who outed the CIA lady and why.
4.1 Where do you go to find the news? Assuming you have no internet access and depend on T.V. and maybe a newspaper...
5. People over sixty know a lot of stuff. We should use them. Kids should have more chances to interact with oldsters. Everyone should...when can we start building the kibbutz's in the U.S.
6. Breathing - why I like it.
7. The wonder of stories.
8. Why can't we have a talk radio show where real people talk? tell stories? debate? discuss issues we think are important? And a show where someone just talked about good thoughts (non-denominational/ecumenical/non-religious/religious). I'd love one of those 24 hrs/day but particularly at night before bed.
9. Pets - Stress relievers or stressors?
10. Will cuddle parties catch on in Lake Wobegon