Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Studying the Media - Noam Chomsky

Studying the Media from a talk by Noam Chomsky at the Z Media Institute June 1997.

A nice clean look at how mass media, government and universities form a triad of power to make sure those who have power keep it.

It isn't a big conspiracy rant, but rather a well reasoned essay, that traces the origination of propaganda and public relations as a tool to allow a small elite class to control what the majority is exposed to (and therefore what they believe to be true).

You won't find a wild-eyed theory that a select group of evil men is pulling the strings, but an assertion that the socialization of people (rich and poor, powerful and powerless) is so complete that they don't recognize their own participation in a system that works just as one would expect.

It keeps the elites who control media, politics and universities in power and the rest of us dopes at home watching football on T.V.

Maybe that's for the best...

Go Seahawks!