My blog is an avocation rather than a vocation. I like to think I provide original "content" to the internet in the form of writing and pictures. This chart shows impressions of this blog, and the linked pages I own, for the last 30 days -

As you can see there are over 8000 impressions on a good day here in the beginning of May. There were over 100,000 impressions in April and I anticipate approximately 150,000 impressions for May given the current rate.
It might be worth your while, if you have something you would like to promote, to get together with me for some custom marketing or presentation. I'd be happy to take off some of my corporate ads and put up some home-grown promotions. I will only accept legitimate ideas i.e. no spam, tier marketing, pyramid schemes, herbal viagra etc. Something unique, new, or old that you would like to promote via the internet.
Who knows, maybe together we could come up with something great.
HookUP.com Bringing the world a little closer!