This dragonfly was resting on the clematis near our front porch. I thought maybe he was dead, but Betsy touched him and he shrugged his back.
Something has been munching the clematis flowers and leaves as you can see in the picture. Pretty sure snails are the culprits, since B tells me she found over 50 of those critters on the plant while pruning it yesterday.
Here's a couple of snail jokes -
A guy hear's a knock on the door. He goes to answer it but doesn't see anyone there. Just as he's about to close the door he hear's a small voice say, "Hello sir can I interest you in some life insurance?" The man looks down and sees a snail carrying a briefcase. They talk for awhile and although the man has no interest in buying insurance, the snail won't take no for an answer. Finally the man loses his patience and picks the snail up and throws him down the street.
A few years later he hears a knock on the door. He goes to answer it and sees it's the snail again. The snail says, "Have you seen my briefcase around here anywhere?"
A snail buys a fast car. He has the dealer put a big chrome S (for snail) on the rear of his new car. Whenever he roars past someone in his new car they say, "look at that S car go."