Powwow dancers II
This is a still from a video taken at the Powwow today. The JPG image isn't too good. That blur of orange is a dancer moving. I posted a few AVI video files at Powwow 2005 so you can see and hear what some of the dancing and music was like. It was impressive.
A mini-series telling a story of Native American culture and the settling of the American West is coming up this June on TNT.
Steven Spielberg is the executive producer of the 12 hour series Into the West from Dreamworks Television. The series starts June 10th on the TNT network.
"INTO THE WEST follows two multi-generational families, one settlers and the other Native American, each telling the dramatic stories of the development of the West from their distinct points of view."
Native American Powwow - Gathering of Nations has a lot of good information and links to pictures, radio and stories about Native American people, plus the graphics on the home page look really cool.
"Dancing ’Til Dawn" by Marianne Millar