Saturday - Memorial Day weekend 2005.
It was a nice warm 82 degrees in Everett yesterday, breaking the previous record of 81 degrees set in 1958.
I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing and recuperative weekend. I've been feeling a little under the weather, having picked up a chest cold during the week. Feeling much better now, although still with a hacking/rattling cough.
I enjoyed yesterday's nice weather by sitting in the sun, riding my bicycle, and getting out the power washer to knock loose paint off some benches and a planter that B and R are going to paint and decorate. I might power wash some of the house today, make a small kite, and do some other little odds and ends around the house. It's a nice feeling to not have anything I have to do, although my mind tends to race ahead of me and think of things I could, or should, be doing. Sometimes it's nice to just sit and think, or just sit.
------------------------------I'm up with the sun this morning, enjoying some strong coffee and some music. I was listening to NPR news earlier. It's hard to listen to the reports of daily terrorist bombings and subsequent deaths of innocent people in Iraq. The report that seemed odd to me this morning was a story about a Navy Seal who was on trial for roughing up an Iraqi detainee. I didn't catch the whole thing but what I heard was that the Seal team had captured a man suspected of bombing a Red Cross clinic. Apparently the Seal lieutenant's team had punched and pummeled the suspect in the process of detaining him. Now the lieutenant is on trial after having supposedly admitted to punching the detainee in the shoulder.
Some things just don't balance on the scales of justice.
That reminds me of the person, rioting in Afghanistan, I heard on the radio who claimed that someone at Guantanomo Bay purportedly flushing a Koran down the toilet had insulted the whole world's Muslim population.
I say not.
The Koran, like the Bible, the Veda, the Book of Morman or any other religious writing is just that, the written word. The fact that a person believes it to be divinely inspired is a personal decision, but doesn't change the fact that it's a collection of words written on paper.
In the case at Guantanomo, the prisoners have a right to be treated humanely and with an appropriate amount of dignity afforded their person and their religious beliefs. Never having been there, and not knowing what sorts of people may be imprisoned there, I don't know what the proper bounds would be for treatment and questioning within that basic framework of maintaining human dignity. If there was a chance to locate Osama Bin Laden by psychological pressure on a prisoner, or prevent a future terrorist act, I'm not so sure that flushing a book down the toilet wouldn't be called for. Certain acts would be justified in some cases, and not in others (bullying an innocent prisoner for example).
The beauty (and difficulty) of a free society is that people can do things that may offend the sensibilities of the majority, or the minority, provided those actions are not contrary to the rule of law decided by the people.
When I see KKK or neo-nazis making a statement, I don't think "those people have insulted my kind...I'm going to go set off a car bomb and riot in the street" but rather "those hate-filled ignorant people make a good case for planned parenthood, and then I thank God that they are a minority".
I believe in the right of non-violent protest, majority rule and minority rights - all the precious freedoms paid for by the brave men and women who served in the Armed Forces and in the case of many that made the ultimate sacrifice and did not return home - paid for many times over, need to be protected cherished and appreciated.
We have the right to state our opinion, organize a non-violent protest, lobby the government or otherwise become involved to change the law if we believe it needs to be changed.
All in all, I can't think of a better place to live than the USA.
I am going to celebrate this weekend by doing what I want to do, appreciating the fact that I am free, and thanking all those who went before us to ensure we remain free.
Wishing you a great Memorial Day Weekend.
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