Monday, May 15, 2006

Drop the Cell Phone

I've been working out for awhile in a small gym and there's a guy who talks on his cell phone while he's working out.

I catch little snippets of his conversation, which is apparantly with his love-interest who has as little to do as he does. Totally inane repeated things. I want to answer his questions -

"What are you doing now?".

"I'm sitting beside you on this exercise bike."

"Do you know what I got you for your birthday?"

"No what?"

"Did you look at the present?"

"Uhh heh buddy you shouldn't have - we hardly know each other."

I want to suggest he get a really heavy cell phone to balance himself while he's lifting weights...or at least a headset so he can use both hands.

But really what are people thinking?

Yesterday at the supermarket I kept seeing this lady talking on her cellphone. I never get what's going on there. How boring can these conversations be - "I'm passing by the canned vegetables now."

The funny thing was she used one of those "self-serve" checkout aisles and was scanning and bagging her groceries with one hand and holding her cell phone in the other so she didn't have to break off the conversation.

"I'm scanning the bread now."

"That's marvelous darling."

"I'm glad we have these cellphones."

"Me too."

"We don't ever have to be apart."


"Do you think I should use paper or plastic?"


"I like plastic too - what are you doing now?"

"Lifting weights."