From the Guardian Article -
"The distractions of constant emails, text and phone messages are a greater threat to IQ and concentration than taking cannabis, according to a survey of befuddled volunteers.
Doziness, lethargy and an increasing inability to focus reached "startling" levels in the trials by 1,100 people, who also demonstrated that emails in particular have an addictive, drug-like grip.
Respondents' minds were all over the place as they faced new questions and challenges every time an email dropped into their inbox. Productivity at work was damaged and the effect on staff who could not resist trying to juggle new messages with existing work was the equivalent, over a day, to the loss of a night's sleep."
Yes indeed. I trust the government will address this before more people become addicted. Just say No and all that. It's funny but oddly true if you think about how attention deficit, short attention spanned we tend to become with email, vmail, IM and that sort of thing.
Pssst Hey Buddy wanna try some dynamite Email?
Like so many things there are multiple sides to this Email story. Electronic mail and IM can be distracting and a time waster. On the other hand it can increase our efficiency and ability to coordinate activities with our friends.
An email can be a good way to collect our thoughts, share jokes, IM can be used to arrange spontaneous outings with friends.
For some complex discussions that involve collections of facts and people, Email can be invaluable in sharing information and getting work done.
The fact that there is a lot of distracting Email is a fact of life. The nice thing is we all have good filters (brains) that allow us to quickly determine the usefulness of most Emails.
Banned Books for Mom.
Here's another interesting headline from last weeks news -
"Police said three pachyderms barged into a nearby restaurant." - Elephants rampage through Seoul - Apr 20, 2005
I wish I could find a picture I saw a couple of days ago that showed one of the elephants wearing a fancy hat inside the restaurant. It was cool. I just hope the elephants weren't too scared about the whole thing and glad no one got seriously hurt.
You can find Latest news about elephants at
After the elephants had a bite to eat at the cafe they took a plane ride -
Then met up with some friends -
Bless all God's Creatures Great and Small -