You never know, you might have a chance to make some money online or at least have some fun and learn something trying.
I have been working online for awhile as an associate with Google, Amazon and other companies and am willing to provide you with some helpful tips to get you started with branding/logo/art sources for your website or blog.
These are commission based items so there are no guarantees. At a minimum you will learn something about where to get ads/logos/art for use on your webs and blogs.
I'll also provide you a few starter tips for selling your own items on Ebay and Amazon.
Small Biz Tools or this Small Biz Tools Mirror Site leads to a PayPal link to purchase this information. I will Email it to you in the form of a protected confidential PDF file and or Macromedia Flash File upon receipt of your payment. I am asking for a payment of 25 USD for this information. Not sure if that sounds like a lot or a little to you, but one way of looking at is that it would take you at least 25 hours of searching the web, bulletin boards, talking with people to come up with the contacts I will provide. Some are very commonly known other less so. In essence I have collected more than 25 hours of work for you based on several years of research on my part. You are paying less than 1 dollar per hour for your time for this I guess it all depends on what your time is worth to you.
If you buy this guide within the month of April 2005 I will send you a free updated version based on user feedback including any additional tips, on or before October 2005.
May all your deals be good ones.
I ran across a creative interface idea made for Tha LTD. by Keita Kitamura and Yugo Nakamura in Japan.
The website they created called Amaztype is fun to play with and also a clever interface for getting people to Amazon.
Looking at some webpages that use Flash I think at some point I'd like to learn to use some of Macromedia's tools. I think Contribute 3 might be a good place to start, then move into Dreamweaver, Flash, ColdFusion and the more advanced tools.