Saturday, January 07, 2006

7 Days to Change Your Life - Jamie Cullum

You know how every so often you hear a song on the radio and think, "Wow! that's really good." It doesn't happen very often but I heard a song on KPLU this afternoon like that.

The song was, "7 Days to Change Your Life" by Jamie Cullum from his album -

Catching Tales

It was funny and clever, with a wry message about all the things he could help you with if you just "send me your money". I see from his webpage that he listened to Steely Dan when he was younger, and there might be some influence from them in this song, but he has a unique and hard to explain sound, at least on this song - it might be the odd juxtaposition of the satirical lyrics and the jazzy sort of music. There's some nice instrumental work on his songs - particularly the guitar.

From the song "7 Days to Change Your Life" -

"Just one local call and you'll see
A happy path through life not for free
A little bit fat you can’t get a girl
Short on cash I'll change your world
The only way now is straight up
Your deepest despair I'll make it stop
Just 19.95 all major credit cards
And you'll stay alive and you'll go far "

Catching Tales - Jamie Cullum - Review has some good things to say about the album. Like any music it's not for everyone and I'm not sure if I'd buy the whole album but I'd like to have the "7 Days to Change Your Life" - track.