Saturday, December 17, 2005

Café Jack - The Netherlands

I see there's a non-virtual Café Jack's in the Netherlands.

Their sign says, "Eet, drink & spellencafé".

My interpretation, being linguistically challenged, is that this is a cafe where people eat, drink and spell. Instead of Karoke contests they have spelling bee's. You get a free drink if you can spell certain words. If two people get into a drunken argument instead of challenging each other to fight they challenge each other to spell.

I think they play darts and possibly games involving dice and a roulette wheel as well.

Postscript April 2008 - Thanks to Sylvie, now I know "spellen" in Dutch means "play" - it's a cafe where you can eat, drink and play.

Sounds good...


The Official Holland Site - Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions (NBTC)