Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Wisdom of Crowds

Interesting article at MIT Technology titled "Is It Possible to Be Too Connected?" written by Wade Roush.

Here's the first paragraph to give you a sense of what it is about,

"Perhaps you shouldn’t be reading the TR blog. Or at least, not solely this blog. Why not? As James Surowiecki--New Yorker writer, Technology Review contributor, and author of the recent book The Wisdom of Crowds--pointed out today at the O’Reilly Emerging Technologies Conference in San Diego, it may be possible to be excessively hooked into the buzz, zeitgeist, or groupthink around a certain topic. To the extent that the TR blog attempts to capture the zeitgeist in the world of emerging technologies, therefore, you’re probably better off if you seek your information from a variety of sources."

From the Wade Roush Blog
