Saturday, November 25, 2006


Some times I think it's not so much what we do as what we intend to do that pleases God.

If our intention is to do good, to care, to show compassion and courage; then that is sometimes, maybe always, enough.

We often wish we could do more, that we could say or do the perfect thing, be at just the right place at the right time. But life isn't like that. It's messy and imperfect, with occasional flashes of brilliant perfection - such as when a baby is born or a family finds healing in the midst of illness or death of a loved one. In beginnings and endings, in art, music or the written word we occasionally glimpse the transcendent and for a moment our lives move from the human to the divine.

Most of life is about showing up, being willing to stop, look and listen - as we were told when we were little before crossing the street. There are lot's of opportunities in our day to day life to stop, look and listen - what we see may surprise, sadden or enlighten us and on occasion give us great joy.

We intend to move towards peace, working from within and then manifesting that inner-peace in the world with our actions. We don't always succeed because we are human but every so often we are blessed with the those flashes of brilliance when every thing is perfect. The other 99.9% of the time we are down in the muck doing the best we can, but that's what really matters - Giving it your best. No one does that better.