Thursday, July 27, 2006

Parakeet Training Record

The real audio files from the Parakeet Training Record at "Frank's Vinyl Museum" might be just what you need to perk up your day - or your parakeet's day. You can listen to the ever popular "Hello Baby!" and a more complex vocalization "Good Morning. Wanna Eat? Good Morning. Wanna eat!"

You don't need a parakeet to enjoy this record - as is pretty obvious in the third sample where the announcer imitates a parakeet.


The comments are fun to browse through. Excellent advice, like -

"If a Indian Parakeet is scared of YOU and refuses to talk, Give him a piece if suugarcane and for at least 1 hour rub his head softly."


"First, if u have a parakeet who always bites u, throw him from a great height and someone else catch it, the bird might think u r his friends,

NEVER give them green chilli or tomatoes!"