thinking about people
in other places
how much we have (own?)
how little they.
or could it be
the other way
those with the
have the most
and we who
own the most
have the leastJack
"If you put your clothes in a closet and your food in a refrigerator, you are richer than 75% of the world's population."
The Miniature Earth
I believe there is no correlation between material wealth and happiness, unless it's an inverse relationship between how much we have vs. how happy we are.
My point is that looking at someone who appears "poor" and thinking how unhappy they must be is incredibly egotistical. Assuming that material wealth would be just the ticket for some happy aborigine is silly. The Gods Must Be Crazy
We aren't talking about getting people 50 inch plasma TV's or shiny new cars here.
The ONE Campaign is about sharing basic necessities of life with those living in extreme poverty. Providing the basic needs of food, water, medical care, education and caring for orphans.