Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photographs and Memories

This is a photograph from a collection on Flickr by the North Dakota photographer Todd H. Strand. You have to look at the large size to appreciate it. It was taken with a Widelux camera. There are a number of high quality photos in this Photostream, for example Stubble field in Stark County, North Dakota, Sawmill Bar, Darby, Montana, Fishermen in the Selway Wilderness looking for Paradise, Idaho , Road hunting near Wing, North Dakota and Nameless Cemetery, Nameless, North Dakota

He also has a set from his parent's studio in Rugby, North Dakota with photograpphs like A new television set arrives in Rugby, North Dakota ca:1953. that capture some interesting scenes from a small town and which caused me to borrow the title of this post from the Jim Croce song.