Friday, March 24, 2006



Just sitting.

Help wanted.

Skills – Be able to sit beside

I met the qualifications so I took the job

It doesn’t pay much, a cup of coffee now and then

But it’s enriching beyond description to just sit beside the quiet

So quiet, so peaceful, so gentle – leaving this place to return from where we came

Just what you need will show up just when you need it

Have faith

Hospitals can be very quiet in the early morning
Before the sun comes up
Step outside into the cool night
Feel the rain clean rain

If I know the answer the question is too simple

If there are no answers – then we trust in some general guidelines

Love in it’s many forms is present in this world – we just have to look and listen

So quiet….so peaceful….so gentle

Good night and good morning
Goodbye and hello

It’s all right here – right now – we just have to look and listen – be still and know

There are no answers – just some general guidelines

Love in it’s many forms is present in this world – we just have to look and listen….slow down….quiet now – see it, hear it, feel it.

For all of you - May God bless you and continue to give you Peace and the presence of mind to spread that Peace to those you meet along the road.


Postscript - Just some free association type writing this early morning. A way to try and capture some feelings. There are many volunteer opportunities for people who are good at sitting beside another, being quiet, not knowing the answer and who want to make a difference however slight in someone else's life as they near the end of this life. If you are not comfortable being with people at the end of life, there are many other things you can do to help....and one of the best benefits is you will meet some of the kindest, most enlightened, caring and loving people you could ever imagine.