Saturday, September 01, 2007

They Are Re-Burning The Man Tonight

Thanks to a lot of hard work the man was rebuilt quickly after someone prematurely torched him earlier this week.

I've been watching a shaky webcast of the event and it makes me think you really need to be there (along with 40,000 plus other burners this year).

I was thinking of building a miniature burning man earlier today and firing it up in the backyard but didn't get to it because I was busy working in the yard, and riding my bike around to pick up some of Dr Bronner's Magic Soap and some vegan mozzarella cheese substitute for a pizza I'm planning to make with fresh ingredients from the farmers market tomorrow. I was thinking fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic and onions for a start.

Actually...I wasn't that busy - I was playing Super Mario on Nintendo DS (reached level 6), reading magazines and just relaxing on this nice labor day weekend.

It's a nice night - I think I'll go outside and light my sage bundle and think about the many things I have to be thankful for.