Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Interlude: Meditation of the Week at interluderetreat.com, talks about trying some things we usually don't do because we've told ourselves that we "just aren't good at that".

We often think about stretching our bodies and know how good stretching feels and how natural it is (watch a dog stretch sometime and think about how natural and good that must feel).

Some of us might not think about activities that stretch our minds/our selves, activities that help us grow into more complete, more whole, interesting and capable, human beings.

Simple stuff like -

If you don't cook give it a try, read a book or magazine that's outside your normal interests, if you think you aren't good at math do some anyway to keep that part of your mind sharp.

If you are tough try being weak or vice-versa.

Make eye contact, say hi or smile at someone out of the ordinary - recognize your connection as human beings.

If you like talking give listening a try for a change of pace.

Take a class in something that's new for you.

Spend time every so often turning off your internal "judge" and just look at, explore, listen and learn about some thing/person/group without using internal dialogue like good/bad, agree/disagree...just be open.

Put yourself in a position to learn experientially (by doing). Do something that's completely outside your normal routine. Maybe volunteer to work with some people who need basic things like companionship, food, shelter and clothing if that's outside your normal day to day. Take on a new task/assignment at work that's outside your normal comfort zone.

Doesn't have to be a big deal all the time, maybe just try a food that you normally wouldn't.


If we are working towards that never perfectly attainable goal of "balance in all things", we could consider stretch activities for these four areas:

Mind - Read something new, see a movie that's different for you, talk to people you normally wouldn't, listen, do some math if your a liberal arts type, do some liberal or fine arts stuff if you're a scientific type, turn off the TV (or maybe turn it on if that's a stretch for you).

Body - Stretch, walk, lift some weights, dance, try tai-chi, take a sauna or a steam bath, go outside and spin in a circle until you fall over.

Spirit - Learn something about meditation, explore spirituality and what it might mean, read about various world religions, vist holy places, talk to spiritual people, listen.

Social/Emotional - Do something nice for a stranger, call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile, write someone you care about a letter, be good to yourself...take care of yourself so you can help others, listen.