Sunday, February 25, 2007

Project Management - 101 Ways to Organize Your Life

Lessons from Project Management: 101 ways to organize your life has some good tips for anyone (not just project managers).

Many of the ideas sound like common sense, (which isn't always that common), like taking breaks, eating wholesome healthy foods, celebrating achievements, giving praise and having fun at work.

Some of them are not so obvious, such as -

"Meeting in Person to Develop Relationships Saves Time and Money in the Long Run. - In some cultures tasks are completed based on established relationships and, ultimately, trust, rather than simply being driven by schedules. Attempting to forge ahead with tasks before spending social time with clients can well lead to incomplete requirements. While it may not be standard practice all over the world, when PMs are working in some other cultures taking the time to meet face-to-face can save time and money for your project and organization."

Without trust we can't build good relationships and without good relationships we can't build much of anything - no matter how good we may be at "project management".