Monday, August 28, 2006

Alan Watts

If you've never heard or read anything by Alan Watts you might find him an interesting teacher. His bio says,
"His life and work reflects an astonishing adventure: he was an editor, Anglican priest, graduate dean, broadcaster, author, lecturer, and entertainer. He had fascinations for archery, calligraphy, cooking, chanting, and dancing, and still was completely comfortable hiking alone in the wilderness."

Life and Music is a flash animation from the Alan Watts website. It says something like this -

In music, as in life, one doesn't make the end of the composition the point of the composition. Otherwise the greatest composers would be those who played fastest - or only wrote the grand finale.

We are taught and train ourselves to think - The thing is coming it's coming - then one day we wake up a discover we've arrived. But we missed everything. We thought of life as a journey with a serious point at the end...maybe the perfect job, mate, house or heaven or whatever.

But we missed the was a musical thing and you were supposed to sing and dance while the music was being played.

Be sure and watch the flash, as well as the other two if you have some time, he's much better to listen to than to read about in my sketchy notes. Plus the flash animation adds a certain playful touch that's pretty fun.


This is a funny animation from YouTube - accompanied by some, cool music and thoughful Alan Watt's wisdom about going with the flow.

The Greatest Nancy Panel Ever Drawn
