Friday, July 09, 2004

Giving Thanks






What I’m thankful for this Friday –

I have a job.

I have a loving family.

I have some friends.

Nothing on or in my body hurts. I can walk. I can see. I can hear.

I have a house, a car, some money, food, clean water.


Freedom to choose what I do today.

Health care, medicine.

Computers, cameras, DVD players and various other tech items to play with.

A 401K plan of some value.

Social security and a pension waiting for me down the road.

A diverse group of mostly kind and fun people to work with.

No one will hit me today, or scream at me or throw anything at me.

I can take a shower and shave, brush my teeth.

Being able to appreciate the small things.

Learning early that money can’t buy you happiness.

The ability to read and write.

Access to a library, bookstore, internet that allows me to learn as much as I can.

Electricity, phones, lights, heat or a fan if I’m hot.

Government and police that will leave me alone unless I break laws created by our elected government officials and decided on by our courts.

Freedom to say or write what I think.

Clean air to breathe and Being able to take a deep breath.

Beautiful mountains and water around me.

Sunsets, sunrises

The ability to change, or at least the hope.

An appreciation for the short time we have here…how quickly things change.

Knowing that no matter what I’m forgiven and every day is a new chance.