Friday, February 13, 2004

Play - Coke - Calming Down

Good Friday night gentle reader.

Have you ever tried your best and still didn't win the game?

I hope so.

Better to have played and lost than to never have played at all.

As long as you did your best you didn't lose. You are a winner baby. Play hard, play smart and have fun.

By doing your best and giving it your all, you are a GOOD player.

Doing your best, giving it your all and supporting the people on your team to help them to be better makes you a GREAT player.

Here's to all the GREAT players out there. In sports, in business in life. Rock on!


What else is up on a Friday night?

I'm doing some Coke. Diet coke that is.

I bet there are some people bowling. Some kids cruising main streets. Some fun dances. Some lonely people. Some sick and dying and some getting better. Some laughing some crying. Some fussing some fighting.

I'm sounding like a wacked out Cat in the Hat.


You know one of the nicest things about getting older?

You can calm down.

Being frantic and flying is fine when your twenty nine or nine or nineteen. I'm 49 and finally at a point where I can sit still on Friday night and not be flippin out because I'm not at a bar, or a party or doing something extra special wild and fun.

I'm probably going to read about syncros before I go to sleep tonight. You don't want to know why. I'm a geek...the world needs geeks.

I think I'll take a look at some college basketball previews for tomorrow.

You all take care of yourselves out there.