Sunday, January 06, 2008

Find Happiness

From an article "Maximum Joy - 14 Ways To Feel Lucky You're Alive" at -
"According to happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, of the University of California, Riverside, life circumstances only account for 10 percent of happiness. Half depends on our genetic 'set point,' which is kind of like the weight our body bounces back to after that crash diet. About 40 percent of our happiness is influenced by what we do deliberately to make ourselves happy."
The 14 ways include, "notice what's right", "be grateful", "remember the kid you were", "be kind", "spend time with your homies", "don't overdo it", "savor every moment", "move", "rest", "put on a happy face", "pursue your goals", "get into the flow", "play to your strengths", and "find your calling".

A related article What Makes Us Happy? sums it up with this -
"After studying depression and gloom for all these years, psychologists have started to figure out what makes people happy. And the answer is simple: family, friends, meaningful activities, and the ability to forgive."