I can't even get myself worked up over the fact Comcast decided to delete Cspan-2 from the local cable lineup. I still get lots of shopping channels though - so I can see someone with a countryboy/girl accent tell me I need to call in quick to get a good, no great, make that a once-in-a-lifetime, deal on loose gemstones, a giant collection of low quality pocket knives, or a fantasy sword with a dragon embossed on it.
I saw a man, interviewed on the CBS television show Sunday Morning, who at 53 was fired from his advertising job at a firm in New York City. He ended up losing his job, his big house, his wife and his health. Now he works as barista at Starbucks, has his health, lives in an attic apartment - and has never been happier.
He's written a book
It's interesting how getting knocked off balance can be a good thing. Sometimes I wonder if I'm little too balanced these days.
The more I think about it though I know that this is just a phase - no matter how comfortable and cozy I am now, something will come along and knock me off balance. That's the way life works - nothing lasts, things change over time, people grow up, live and die. I can't, and don't want to, do anything right now other than exactly what I'm doing - and that for now, is a wonderful life.