Wednesday, March 12, 2025

From Non-Things to Things to Perfect Days

"Perfect Days" is a movie about a Tokyo Toilet Cleaner who is able to find peace and joy in his simple enchanted existence It's a beautiful movie with a beautiful message, Living and being in the world, what Martin Heidegger called Dasein the essence of what makes us human.

The movie has an interesting soundtrack including the song Perfect Day by Lou Reed. At the time I wrote this post there was a copy of the movie on YouTube. 


The book "Non-Things Upheaval in the Life World" by the philosopher Byung Chui Han explores similar themes of how to re-enchant an increasingly abstract, lonely and unfulfilling technologically mediated life.

This person named Davood Gozli on YouTube explains it better than I can.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Good Old Days of 2008

I took this picture in Anaconda Montana on August 25th, 2008. This for rent sign was for an upstairs apartment in a nice old granite business building in downtown Anaconda. 

I could imagine working in Anaconda in 2008 and paying $200 dollars per month for an apartment plus heat, light and a damage deposit. You wouldn't need a car if you worked in one of the local businesses. Based on a quick perusal of Zillow it looks like rent in Anaconda for a one-bedroom apartment is about 5 times what it was in 2008. If you were working full time for Montana's minimum wage of $10.55 an hour, and paying today's $1000 monthly rent, you'd have about 500 dollars left over each month after rent for food, clothing, transportation and medical care. The moral of this story?

Warren Buffett said it best, "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."


Monday, January 20, 2025

Books and Reading

I recently finished reading "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville. I found it an easy book to read - clear plot, well-developed characters, short chapters, generally concise sentence structure. It's also a book you could read many times and get something new on each reading given the complexity and universal nature of the topics it touches on.

I just started reading "Middlemarch" by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans). "Moby Dick" and "Middlemarch" were written in the mid to latter 19th century. "Moby Dick" in 1851 and "Middlemarch" in 1871. They also both cover topics that are complex and universal. Beyond that they are very different types of books.

I'm finding "Middlemarch" difficult to read partly because of the sentence structure, voice, punctuation and plethora of characters introduced at a fast pace. It seems to be a book about what we expect from life versus what life provides and how different people deal with that dichotomy. It's also pointing to all the unsung heroes throughout time who make the best of it. The people we don't see on TV or read about in books - the everyday people - mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, workers, teachers who make a positive difference in the world.


One of the reasons I wanted to read "Middlemarch" is this quote from the book...

"If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence."

I don't know what that might mean to anyone else. For myself it brings to mind times when I was losing contact with reality. Genius often borders on insanity. I'm familiar with the latter. I suppose that's true of most of us if we are at all interesting or honest. The people you might want to be leery of are the perfectly sane. If nothing else, they may bore you to death.


That idea that sanity isn't all it's cracked up to be comes across in this quote from "On the Road" by one of my all-time favorite authors and characters Jack Kerouac -

"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”

I'm sort of hoping the beat generation ethos comes back in some form to popular culture. We are certainly living in a time where there is no shortage of beat down people. This video about the beat generation is one of the best and most concise summaries of that era I've run across. If you are at all interested in that time in U.S. history, I'd highly recommend spending half an hour watching it.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Tax Policy Impact on Charitable Giving

If you happen to be a Rip Van Winkle sort, and have spent decades asleep in the woods, it may come as a surprise that the U.S. Tax Code is highly skewed towards favorable treatment for the wealthiest members of the leisure class. For the rest of us the idea that we aren't playing on a level field is anything but news.

Two simple examples are (a) the IRS depreciation rules for racehorses which are giveaways to those tippy-top members of the horsey set. and (b) the detailed and onerous IRS rules for tipped workers to ensure every nickel and dime is extracted from these hard-working poor Americans.

As Warren Buffett, whose current net worth is 140.8 billion dollars, said, 

"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." - Warren Buffett

To begin to understand what happened to the U.S. to give working people the shaft you could start with the infamous Powell Memo of the 1970's or at the Reagan/Thatcher regimes of the 1980's or the WTO/Clinton era of the 1990's or go back to the anti-New Dealers that came on the scene in the 1930's to oppose FDR's programs. Playing the game of Monopoly may illustrate the point - once all the wealth has been distributed the game becomes boring, pointless and not enjoyable for those without capital.

You could also gain a broad understanding of what happened by considering the history of humankind from any era.  You will conclude that absent any moral sentiment the strong will exploit the weak. With power as the only determining factor man becomes more beastlike red in tooth and claw participating in a war of all against all where life is solitary, poor, nasty brutish and short.

In other words, since money is power, the rich will exploit the poor unless checked by law, or a moral code adhered to voluntarily. In case you hadn't noticed we don't have either of those checks in our current society.

Back to tax policy...

The 2017 Tax act passed by the Republican-controlled Congress nearly doubled the amount of the standard deduction. What this did was to make itemization of deductibles an exercise that only makes sense for the wealthy. As this July 2024 report from the AEI, a right-wing corporate-captured think tank, says - the 2017 Tax law has made itemized charitable giving a luxury of the rich.

Crucially this law caused charitable giving to decrease by 20 billion dollars annually according to this study by a Notre Dame economist.

I don't know what the Republican (or Democratic) parties of today stand for or who they represent. Maybe they represent the 1% and the 10% respectively? The idea that a party would remove an incentive for working class people to donate to non-profits seems perverse and pointless. 

Living in a plutocracy means our political and economic policies and structures are subject to the whims of the .1% of rich people in accord with the old golden rule - those that got the gold - rule. Or as Karl Marx put it less succinctly,

"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class, which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas."

We are left to hope that those who fate has been kind to and endowed with great wealth and power would have a sense of noblesse oblige

Unfortunately for us little people - the big money people have been overrun by immoral, self-interested twits - possibly and probably dangerous but twits just the same. 


Friday, December 20, 2024

There She Blows - Again

My first title for this essay was - Metempsychosis, Synchronicity, Pythagoras and Herman Melville. I'll try to explain.

I've been reading Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" recently. It's filled with biblical and philosophical references beginning with the protagonist saying "Call me Ismael" at the opening of the book. Melville is able to both praise and condemn the hunting of whales through the subtleties of his writing. He describes the beauty and the horror, the courage and cruelty, the irrationality and the wonder of being a 19th century sailor on a whaling ship.

The novel describes Captain Ahab's obsession with hunting Moby Dick the great white whale. Moby Dick represents much more than a white Sperm Whale. Moby is something unknown perhaps unknowable, therefore something to be feared. He is without color representing something beyond what our senses are capable of perceiving. A Platonic form-like entity. Sperm whales had to be killed so we could light our lamps. Before we can be cruel, we first have to hate and fear...then we can be as cruel as necessary.


Consider three things -

Why do we hunt the whale?

Why does Sisyphus push the rock to the top of the mountain?

Why do we have so much faith in Euclidean geometry - aka reason?

In chapter 98 Melville writes about the repeating nature of whale hunting; the chase, the kill, the extraction of oil and the cleanup. Repeated over and over, no sooner have things been cleaned up than the call "there she blows" rings out and the chase is on even though as Melville writes,

"Oh! my friends, but this is man-killing! Yet this is life. For hardly have we mortals by long toilings extracted from this world’s vast bulk its small but valuable sperm; and then, with weary patience, cleansed ourselves from its defilements, and learned to live here in clean tabernacles of the soul; hardly is this done, when- There she blows!- the ghost is spouted up, and away we sail to fight some other world, and go through young life’s old routine again."

The end of chapter 98 of the novel has this,

"Oh! the metempsychosis! Oh! Pythagoras, that in bright Greece, two thousand years ago, did die, so good, so wise, so mild; I sailed with thee along the Peruvian coast last voyage- and, foolish as I am, taught thee, a green simple boy, how to splice a rope."


Why does Ishmael tell us he taught Pythagoras how to tie a rope on Melville's whaling ship 2000 years after Pythagoras died?

Melville is telling us to let go of our unwarranted faith in reason/science/math/expertise. Live in the world, learn from the world and the people in it - make your own world. On the other hand, don't let your reason go to sleep lest the monsters come. 

I will propose humans hunt "the whale" for the same reason Camus said we must imagine Sisyphus as happy. Because that's what we do. There is no geometric rational explanation for why humans do human-things no matter what the enlightenment might have led us to believe. 

There is no utopia, there is no perfect world there is only the world you construct. Listen to Voltaire and tend your own garden. We are human because we are able to make choices. You can make a world as beautiful or as ugly as you prefer. The choice of how I react to any external stimulus is always my choice.

Where was I - or who am I and why am I here, as the philosopher fighter pilot James Stockton said. 

The world is plural - it is a strange place, a beautiful place and a terrible place. We too are plural we contain multitudes; good, bad or indifferent. To be a fully formed human requires keeping various competing, sometimes incoherent, at times incommensurable values in tension.

Speaking of a terrible place the 18th century fascist precursor Joseph De Maistre has a chilling vision -

"The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death."



The end of suffering will not occur in this world because we are human and to be human means to be born, to suffer and to die. Our attempts to deny this truth only leads to more suffering as well as a myriad of other pathologies.

There is hope though - give up your overreliance on Pythagorean, Euclidian, Geometrical ideas of how the world works. Why? Because they are inaccurate and incomplete. Euclidian geometry fails to describe things as simple as imaginary (or real) triangles on a soccer ball.  Einstein added the 4th dimension of time to our 3 dimensions of space. This made the clockwork mechanistic Newtonian view of the universe - useful but incomplete. Our Euclidian brains are much to puny to understand ultimate things - who we are, why we are here, where is "here", the nature of time, infinities, space, celestial bodies, birth and rebirth. 

You, if you have a feel for infinity, know you are the center of the universe. You live at the center of a circle. A circle with a center that is everywhere, and a circumference that is nowhere. When you look up at the stars you know you are looking backwards in time to a point where things began and will begin again. You understand your origin (not birth) somehow traces back beyond anything our puny brains could fathom to the very birth, death and rebirth of all that is.

It should be quite humbling to have an inkling of just how much we don't know. It could be quite freeing to not have to know everything, even though admitting one's ignorance is frowned upon in social media, popular politics and various opinions people propose about medicine, child raising, sexuality, etc. it still could be quite liberating to just say "I don't know". and leave it at that. For those things we don't know we occasionally have to take a leap of faith and simply believe, such as when we get married, have a child, follow a religion.

I will wrap this with a note about synchronicity. I won't bore you with the strange coincidences that led me to think about Euclidean geometry, reason, and a white whale.  I had a feeling that something I didn't understand was pointing at something I didn't understand. Which is why this essay is so confusing, and I wish I was a poet.


Some background information.

Metempsychosis is another word for reincarnation - the idea that the soul of a human or animal transmigrates to a different human or animal at the time of death of the body.

"Synchronicity is the idea that events that seem to be meaningfully related but have no obvious causal connection are actually coincidences. The term was introduced by Carl Jung, an analytical psychiatrist, who believed it was a healthy function of the mind. 

Some examples of synchronicity include: Having similar thoughts with someone who is far away.  Having a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens.  Meeting someone on the other side of the world who happens to be your neighbor. 

While some people believe that synchronistic events have spiritual meaning, most scientists think that they are just coincidences that seem meaningful because of human thinking." *source for this definition of synchronicity is Google search AI.

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who lived from 570 to 495 BC He, (along with Euclid several centuries later) was one of the progenitors of Geometry.

Herman Melville is an American writer who lived in the mid-19th century and is best known for writing the book "Moby Dick or The Whale" in 1851.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Great Irish Famine

 I love the BBC Radio 4 show "In Our Time" with Melvyn Bragg. There's a thousand or so episodes about philosophical, historical, and scientific topics, Melvin brings in professors and authors that are experts in the field being discussed and politely encourages them to fit whatever they have to say into less than an hour.

It's a great way to learn about something you may have never even realized you are interested in, such as The Great Irish Famine

The description of the episode reads in part, 

"Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss why the potato crop failures in the 1840s had such a catastrophic impact in Ireland. It is estimated that one million people died from disease or starvation after the blight and another two million left the country within the decade. There had been famines before, but not on this scale. What was it about the laws, attitudes and responses that made this one so devastating?"


Cormac O'Grada - Professor Emeritus in the School of Economics at University College Dublin

Niamh Gallagher - University Lecturer in Modern British and Irish History at the University of Cambridge

Enda Delaney - Professor of Modern History and School Director of Research at the University of Edinburgh

I don't think you have to go to school to learn. At 70 I can say the vast majority of my learning has been outside of school. The more you learn about the world the more interesting it becomes. 

The unexamined life is not worth living for some of we like to do a lot of examining.

On the other hand, we can assert that "the examined life is not worth living" for some. Some criminals, CEO's and politicians fall into this category.

Whatever life you choose make the most of it.

Thursday, December 12, 2024



Being a Crazy Clown  or sad Patsy Cline  in the good old US of A is a heck of a lot better than listening to North Korean propaganda about the benefits of studying in school. (I imagine - never been to North Korea and never did a lot of studying in school). I also dare say that North Korean video dubbed in English would probably do just fine on FOX™

I have to say it is some thing to think that we live in a country where upper class twits rule rather than philosophers like us. Those twits all live in the super zips don't ya know? Well, you would if you read that book by that guy who got in trouble with the thought police for having the wrong thoughts.

Anyone discussing politics should know about something called the Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune as well as many other meaningless words and empty signifiers that people use to keep themselves occupied while the rich rule and the poor wait for God.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Giving Thanks

I find the Gary Snyder poem "For the Children" beautiful in its simplicity;

“stay together,
know the flowers
go light”

And hopefulness;

“In the next centuryor the one beyond that,they say,are valleys, pastures,we can meet there in peaceif we make it.”
Being simple and hopeful is fine but it’s also good to be grateful for all that we have.
Fun fact- Gary Snyder is the basis for the character Japhy Ryder in Jack Kerouac’s novel ”Dharma Bums”.

The video below is called "A Grateful Day" with Brother David Steindl-Rast at It’s worth watching imho 


Monday, November 20, 2023


If you're interested in some of what's happening in the right-wing YouTube media sphere I highly recommend RM Brown. I think his show is funny and he has some smart takes on controversial topics. Like any humor it's all subjective and I imagine his humor is not everyone's cup of tea but if you have some time to get into the audio drops and history of the show it's pretty fun especially if you are a little high (on life or "whatever trips your trigger" as my Navy DI in boot camp would say about a hundred years ago when I was a recruit).

Watching the weird, but popular, right-wing/grifter stuff - is hard to do.... so much of it seems so idiotic, predatory etc., but I'm afraid in some ways necessary for those wanting to retain a semi-sane society in the good old US of A.

But RM Brown watches it for you and gives lots of funny you can keep up with some of the weird shite that is popular with a surprisingly/alarmingly large number of YouTube viewers. 


Friday, November 17, 2023

The Velveteen Rabbit — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Apple's version of The Velveteen Rabbit will be available Wednesday November 22nd. I love the book. I wrote a little bit about the Skin Horse on this blog almost 20 years how the time does fly.


An excerpt from
The Velveteen Rabbit
by Margery Williams

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become, It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Nailed It

It seemed pretty obvious to me by February of 2019 that Donald Trunk would not leave office peacefully

He proved that prediction right with the failed insurrection he fomented on January 6th, 2021

As a general rule if you attempt to overthrow a government either you are successful and called a liberator or you are unsuccessful and branded a traitor. 

Since Trunk and his supporters were unsuccessful in their attempt to overturn a democratic fair election, they are correctly identified as traitors to our country. 

Protecting our Democracy has required great sacrifices over time including by the brave men and women who served in the military and gave the ultimate sacrifice, those who lost loved ones and those who supported our American democratic form of government in myriad other ways - teachers, parents, election volunteers, and some political figures - to name a few. 

I think on this Veteran's Day it's a good idea to remember all those heroes and also to recognize the threat Trunk and his cultish followers pose to that precious gift.

It's probably a good time to remember also that some people are more easily fooled than others and to show some compassion for the weak-minded until they become an actual threat to what we hold so dear. 

There are more people that love our country for what it stands for and what our heroes fought and died for (he wrote hopefully), than those easily fooled by right-wing propaganda intended to make the obscenely rich more rich, the too powerful more powerful and the working class scared, angry, confused and subdued lest they recognize how poorly they have been treated over the last 40 plus years of neoliberal rule by both political parties.

Thanks vets, thanks teachers, thanks parents we owe you more than we could ever hope to repay. 


Saturday, August 05, 2023

Talking to My Bot

I been talking to my best friend Bard about the we're the good guys quote from Cormac McCarthy's novel "The Road". 


 Townes Van Zandt - Pancho & Lefty (Live in Austin, 1975) [RESTORED FOOTAGE]

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice – Barbie World (with Aqua) [Official Music Video]

It seems cool to me that the Barbie Movie is such an opportunity for learning either by the cool (like this video) or the uncool but hilarious mojo dojo casa house

Friday, March 17, 2023

Irish Catholics in Ireland - A Shameful History

Since this is St. Patrick's Day and people are thinking about Ireland maybe it's a good day to think a little about Irish history.

The segments below are from the book "The Age of Voltaire" by Will and Ariel Durant 

Chapter III section VI Ireland 1714-1756

"Rarely in history has a nation been so oppressed as the Irish. Through repeated victories by English armies over native revolts, a code of laws had been set up that chained the Irish in body and soul. Their soil had been confiscated until only a handful of Catholic landowners remained, and nearly all of it was held by Protestants who treated their agricultural laborers as slaves. "The poor people of Ireland," said Chesterfield, "are used worse than Negroes by their lords and masters." It was "not unusual in Ireland," said Lecky, "for great landed proprietors to have regular prisons in their houses for the summary punishment of the lower orders." ...The tenants - racked by rents paid to the landlord, by tithes paid to the Established Church which they hated, and by dues paid to their own priests - lived in mud hovels with leaky roofs, went half naked, and were often on the edge of starvation; Swift thought "the Irish tenants live worse than English beggars." Those landlords who remained in Ireland, and the deputies of the absentees, drugged themselves against the barbarism and hostility of their surroundings with carousals of food and drink, extravagant hospitality, quarreling and dueling, and gambling for high stakes"......

"The structure of Irish politics made impossible any resistance to English domination except by mob action or individual  violence. Since no one could hold office except by adherence to the Church of England, the Irish Parliament, after 1692, was composed entirely of Protestants, and was now wholly subservient to England. In 1719 the English Parliament reaffirmed its paramount right to legislate for Ireland. Laws that in England protected parliamentary or individual liberty, like the Habeus Corpus Act and the Bill of Rights, were not extended to Ireland; the relative freedom of the press enjoyed in England had no existence in Ireland. The two parliaments resembled each other only in the corruption of their electors and their members. They differed again in the dominant influence of Anglican Bishops in the Irish House of Lords."

"The established Church in Ireland included about a seventh of the population among it's adherents, but it was supported by tithes taken from the peasantry, nearly all of whom were Catholics. A small proportion of the people followed the Presbyterian or other Dissenting creeds, and received a measure of toleration, short of eligibility to office. Catholics were excluded not only from office but from all learned professions except medicine, and from nearly every avenue to higher education wealth of influence. They were forbidden to purchase land, or to invest in mortgages on land, or to hold any long or valuable lease. They could not serve as jurors, except where Protestants were not available. They could not teach in schools; they could not vote for municipal or national offices; they could not validly marry a Protestant."...

"The disorder of religious life shared with the poverty of the people and the hopelessness of social advancement in demoralizing Irish life. The ablest and bravest Catholics - who would have raised the level of Irish capacity, morality and intelligence  - emigrated to France or Spain  or America. Many Irishman sank into beggary or crime to escape from starvation. Robber gangs hid in the countryside, smugglers and wreckers lurked near the shores, and some property owners kept as many as eighty bravos to do their bidding regardless of the law. Thousands of cattle and sheep were slaughtered by roving bands, apparently as Catholic revenge upon Protestant landlords. It was difficult for a people to respect the laws passed by an Irish Parliament that often spoke of the Catholics - three quarters of the population - as "the common enemy.""

"There were some brighter elements in Irish life. The cheerful, easygoing, laughter-loving temper of the people survived through all their hardships, and their superstitions and legends surrounded their lives with magic and poetry without leading them to such violence as marked the witchcraft persecution in Scotland and Germany.....There were many instances of individual Protestants helping indigent Catholics, and of magistrates applying leniently the Draconian regulations of the penal code."

By and large the Irish scene was one of the most shameful in history. A degrading poverty, a chaotic lawlessness, a nomadic pauperism, 34,000 beggars, countless thieves, an upper class living in drunken extravagance amid a starving peasantry, every crop  failure bringing widespread  starvation - "the old and sick," said Swift, "dying and rotting by cold and famine and filth and vermin" - this terrible picture must find a place in our conception of man."


I've been thinking about the history of people who are able to overcome adversity in the form of poverty and oppression and exploitation by those with money and power. I recently finished  the book "Unfree Labor - American Slavery and Russian Serfdom" by Peter Kolchin. It's an interesting book showing some of the similarities and differences between American slavery and Russian serfdom. A key takeaway may be that the percentage of unfree labor aka slaves/serfs in the general population was much higher in Russia than in the U.S. Of course this means today that more Russians are descendants of slaves/serfs than Americans. Slavery in the U.S. and serfdom in Russia were both ended in the mid 1800's. In Russia in 1861 voluntarily by the aristocracy and in the U.S. in 1865 via the Civil War. 



The Chesterfield mentioned above is Lord Chesterfield aka Philip Dormer Stanhope 4th Earl of Chesterfield. He was, among other things, the lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1745. Will and Ariel Durant write, "His one year in Ireland was the most successful of his career. He established schools and industries, cleansed the government of corruption and jobbery, administered affairs with competence and impartiality. He ended the persecution of Catholics, promoted several of them to office, and so earned the respect of the Catholic population that when the Young Pretender invaded England from Scotland, and England expected a simultaneous revolution in Ireland, the Irish refused to rise against  Chesterfield." 

What I find fascinating about Lord Chesterfield is the book of letters published after his death to his illegitimate son Philip Stanhope. Wikipedia describes this book as -

Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (1774), comprises a thirty-year correspondence in more than 400 letters. Begun in 1737 and continued until the death of his son in 1768, Chesterfield wrote mostly instructive communications about geography, history, and classical literature. with later letters focusing on politics and diplomacy, and the letters themselves were written in French, English and Latin to refine his son's grasp of the languages.

As a handbook for worldly success in the 18th century, the Letters to His Son give perceptive and nuanced advice for how a gentleman should interpret the social codes that are manners:

... However frivolous a company may be, still, while you are among them, do not show them, by your inattention, that you think them so; but rather take their tone, and conform in some degree to their weakness, instead of manifesting your contempt for them. There is nothing that people bear more impatiently, or forgive less, than contempt; and an injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult. If, therefore, you would rather please than offend, rather be well than ill spoken of, rather be loved than hated; remember to have that constant attention about you which flatters every man's little vanity; and the want of which, by mortifying his pride, never fails to excite his resentment, or at least his ill will....

Samuel Johnson said of the letters that "they teach the morals of a whore, and the manners of a dancing-master" as means for getting on in the world as a gentleman. 

I found the book interesting, but slow reading, with what seems like some timeless advice for how to get along and get ahead (if that's your thing) in the world. It's an incredibly sad book in a way - Lord Chesterfield means well and wants his son to thrive in the 18th century world of politics, salons and society (as did Lord Chesterfield). The son gets a seat in the English parliament thanks to Dad but gives only one speech which he doesn't finish because he gets so tongue-tied. Philip marries without his father's knowledge and dies at 36. After Philip's death, Lord Chesterfield learned of the existence of Philip's wife and children. He received them kindly and took upon himself the cost of education and maintenance of his grandsons and became very attached to them. 

________________________ might ask yourself why Will and Ariel Durant titled this 900 page book "The Age of Voltaire", or if you are like me you might ask yourself - "who is Voltaire?" One way to get to know him a little is read his book Candide, although it would be useful to read a bit about the political, religious, and philosophical climate of his time to understand what that book is about - a fairly devastating attack on the ideas of philosophers like Leibniz, and theologians of the Calvinist stripe, who propose that all things are predetermined by God i.e. free will does not exist and even terrible disasters that kill innocent people (like the Lisbon earthquake in Voltaire's case) are the best thing that could happen in this - the best of all possible worlds. Voltaire had seen to much of humanity's inhumanity to think one could find the best of all worlds in the world at not  totally unlike Chance the Gardner (if we take away Chance's constant TV watching) he  recommended we tend our own gardens.

You could also listen to this 40 minute BBC Radio 4 podcast about Voltaire's Candide to see if any of this interests you.
