Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How I Blog

Maybe I should say how I don't blog.

I have to say I'm not particularly pleased with a lot of what I write. I use the excuse that everything is basically first draft, I don't have the time or the inclination to do a lot of rewriting or editing.

I've been having trouble writing anything for awhile and I think I understand at least one of the causes, and a solution which might help other people who are trying to accomplish something that requires thought.

I try to write by turning on my computer and connecting to the internet so I can go to the Blogger edit page. The problem with this is that once I'm online there are too many distractions. I start seeing my email popping up, interesting stories, and a million and one other diversions - for example, the Kung Fu baby on YouTube -

I'm thinking a better way to write is to start Notepad or some sort of text editor and begin writing rather than getting sidetracked looking at funny baby videos, the infamous dramatic prairie dog, or some songs from old musicals